The Gordon Setter community has come a long way since 2009 when PRA was reported in the breed with the test for rcd-4 then being launched in 2011. Since then hundreds of Gordons have been tested and the amount of carriers has reduced while the amount of clears has increased.
When the initial research began we became aware that there were at least two other types of PRA in the breed. Genetic status for rcd-4 should be known for all breeding dogs and the only permitted breeding's are clear to clear,clear to carrier or clear to affected. Clinical eye testing has also been an important way of monitoring breed eye health and a clinical eye test should be done prior to breeding.
Unfortunately, recently a case of early onset PRA has been reported in the UK. The affected dog is just under two years old.
I have been in touch with the Canine Genetics Centre and they have asked for DNA samples to be sent to them from the affected dog,the siblings and parents (who are both rcd-4 clear) . These samples are currently being collected.
Irish Setters have a DNA test for PRA rcd-1 which is an early onset form of the disease and it is possible this may be the same in Gordons so the affected dog will be tested for this.
I will update the breed as more information becomes available. In the meantime the advice remains the same for breeding-know each dogs rcd-4 genetic status and ensure they have an up to date clinical eye test at the time of breeding. If anyone has concerns regarding their Gordons sight then get it checked with an eye veterinary specialist.
Going back to 2009,it was a very upsetting time for breeders but by working together the breed showed what we could achieve. It’s a worrying time now to discover how much the breed may be affected by this new strain but on the positive side an early onset condition should be easier to find than the late onset which remained hidden due to some dogs not showing it in their lifetime and owners not really assuming an old dog losing their sight was a concern. My hope is that this strain will not be widely spread throughout the breed.
My advice for now is to continue doing what we have been with DNA and clinical eye testing and be aware of the early onset but don’t panic . The CGC is providing excellent support by the team who helped us initially with rcd-4 so I will be guided by them.
Any queries,please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Kathryne Wrigley RVN Gordon Setter Breed Health coordinator.
The Gordon Setter Association
(Members only)
Yearbook 2023
Single Page £70 Double Page £120
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Late adverts and alterations after the closing date will incur an additional cost of £30.
Enquiries, adverts and cheques (payable to ‘The Gordon Setter Association’) to:
Mr Fred Evans, 2 Kingsmuir Rd, Mickleover, Derby, DE3 0PY
Tel: 01332 511538
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The Kennel Club Board and the Disciplinary Committee have endorsed the introduction of further regulatory support to help ensure all those taking part in or attending licensed events behave in a responsible and a respectful manner.
It is the responsibility of all participants to uphold the core values of courtesy and respect surrounding canine activities. Alongside this, those same values ought to be in play on social media in the context of comments and opinions being expressed about participants at Kennel Club licensed events.
This new measure introduces a system for issuing yellow and red cards in response to unacceptable behaviour at Kennel Club licensed events and on social media (in the context of licensed events).
The issue of a yellow card in response to unacceptable conduct will indicate that should there be a further incident and / or repetition of a complaint on a similar issue, then the yellow card will escalate to a red card status.
A red card status will result in an automatic fixed period of 60/90 days for refusal of entry and attending Kennel Club licensed events – and such period will be aligned with any relevant competition or event season.
After the expiry of that fixed period, there may then be a further required period of expected behaviour before the red card warning status is reverted to yellow card and then ultimately the card status removed.
In the event that several or cumulative yellow or red cards are issued to an individual, then there may be further consideration under Kennel Club Rule A11, with wide ranging penalties and long-term disqualifications.
The Kennel Club enforces its regulations to ensure the good order of licensed events and in support of all participants - organisers, volunteers, officials including judges and competitors/exhibitors. Disciplinary measures must be proportionate, and an escalation process is in place for conduct complaints to find that proportionate level of reaction.
Said Helen Kerfoot, Chief Operations Officer (Canine Activities and Events); “Everyone involved in canine activities is responsible for promoting, supporting and nurturing the activities for the benefit of dogs and their owners. Canine activities and licensed competitions can engender a competitive spirit and this needs to be embraced in a positive way. When social media is used to criticise shows, events, judges or other exhibitors, especially with inappropriate language or tone, it can cause distress and it is important that everyone should feel safe and be able to take part in their chosen canine activity in a positive and welcoming environment. We all share a desire to safeguard and promote the future of our sport and thus we must recognise that good conduct is key – whether at an event or via online comment.
“Kennel Club licensed events need to be supportive and encouraging, particularly for younger participants. Those successful and experienced in their breeding and showing activities can help to foster and encourage that environment. Safeguarding applies to everyone – so that a licensed event is welcoming, inclusive and a safe place to be. It is important that everyone thinks about their actions and comments and the impact they can have on others – for the benefit of the future of canine activities.”
The following amendment will be added to the penalties provisions in Kennel Club Regulations; F(1)34 G40 H28 I20 J14 L30 R12 & S30; Effective Date 1st November 2023.
‘For complaints of conduct whether at a licensed event or on social media, in addition to a warning issued - a short term fixed period of refusal of entry/attendance at Kennel Club licensed events may also be imposed in accordance with procedures to be published from time to time to implement this regulation.’
Also, an additional amendment to the Kennel Club Code of Conduct;
‘Where any participant criticises licensed events, show/event organisers and judges, other exhibitors or their dogs in inappropriate, hurtful or excessive ways on social media this will be reviewed under the conduct regulation for the respective licensed canine activity and in particular the use of the Yellow/Red card measures where appropriate.’
The new regulation will be published in the November Kennel Club Journal.
Please find links to the respective Kennel Club codes and social media guidelines below.
Crufts 2024 will take place on the 7 – 10 March at the NEC, Birmingham.
Groups are scheduled as follows:
7 March – Utility and Toy
8 March – Gundog
9 March – Working and Pastoral
10 March – Terrier and Hound
The following are the qualifications a dog must have for entry at Crufts 2024.
A dog is eligible for entry in breed classes where Challenge Certificates are offered if it has qualified in any of the following ways under the rules and regulations of The Kennel Club.
(1) If it is a Champion, Show Champion, Field Trial Champion, Working Trial Champion, Obedience Champion or Agility Champion under the rules of The Kennel Club.
(2) If it is entered in The Kennel Club Stud Book, or qualifies for entry in The Kennel Club Stud Book by 22 January 2024
(3) If it is entered in The Kennel Club Stud Book, or qualifies for entry in The Kennel Club Stud Book by 22 January 2024 through Field Trials or Working Trials.
(4) If it has won any of the following prizes in a breed class (as defined in The Kennel Club regulations for the Definitions of Classes at Championship Shows) at a championship show, where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed between 23 January 2023 and 22 January 2024.
(5) If it has won a First Prize in any breed class at Crufts 2023. (NB This is in addition to those dogs which have qualified in classes listed under a. (4) above).
(6) If a Beagle, has won a First Prize at a Hound Show between 23 January 2023 and 22 January 2024 held under the Rules and Regulations of the Masters of Harriers and Beagles Association.
(7) If it has been placed 1st – 4th in each Group or 1st – 4th in each Puppy Group at a Premier Open Show held on the Group system between 23 January 2023 and 22 January 2024.
(8) If it has won Best in Show, Reserve Best in Show or Best Puppy in Show at a General or Group Open Show between 23 January 2023 and 22 January 2024.(9) If it has won Best in Show at the Vulnerable Native Breeds Show (hosted by The Lancashire Heeler Association) on 18 June 2023.
If it has won any of the following prizes at General and Group Championship Shows, scheduled between 23 January 2023 and 22 January 2024 in non-CC classes for breeds normally allocated Challenge Certificates (provided there are more than three breed classes or more than five classes for Stud Book Band E breeds).
A dog is eligible for entry in breed classes where Challenge Certificates are not offered if it has qualified in any of the following ways under the rules and regulations of The Kennel Club.
(1) If it has been declared Best of Sex or Reserve Best of Sex of a breed or gained any of the following Prizes in Breed or Variety Classes at a Championship Show, including Crufts between 23 January 2023 and 22 January 2024.
(See note 2.)
(2) If it has won a First Prize in any breed class at Crufts 2023 (including AV Imported Register classes). (NB This is in addition to those dogs which have qualified in classes listed under c. (1) above).
(3) If it has been placed 1st – 4th in each Group or 1st – 4th in each Puppy Group at a Premier Open Show held on the Group system between 23 January 2023 and 22 January 2024.(4) If it has won Best in Show, Reserve Best in Show or Best Puppy in Show at a General or Group Open Show held between 23 January 2023 and 22 January 2024.(5) If it has won Best in Show at the Vulnerable Native Breeds Show (hosted by The Lancashire Heeler Association) on 18 June 2023.
A dog is eligible if it has been awarded Best of Sex or Reserve Best of Sex or gained any of the following prizes in the Imported Register classes at a General or Group Championship Show held between 23 January 2023 and 22 January 2024(1)i. Best AV Imported Breed Registerii. Best Puppy AV Imported Breed Registeriii. First, Second or Third in Puppy classiv. First, Second or Third in Junior classv. First, Second or Third in Post Graduate classvi. First, Second or Third in Open class(2) If it has won a First Prize in any breed class at Crufts 2023. (NB This is in addition to those dogs which have qualified in classes listed under d. (1) above).(3) If it has been placed 1st – 4th in each Group or 1st – 4th in each Puppy Group at a Premier Open Show held on the Group system between 23 January 2023 and 22 January 2024(4) If it has won Best in Show, Reserve Best in Show or Best Puppy in Show at a General or Group Open Show held between 23 January 2023 and 22 January 2024
A dog is eligible for entry in Field Trial classes for its breed if it has at any time won an award, a Diploma of Merit or a Certificate of Merit in actual competition at a Field Trial held under The Kennel Club or Irish Kennel Club Regulations.
A dog is eligible for entry in Special Working Gundog classes for its breed if it has at any time been awarded a Working Gundog certificate, a Kennel Club Show Gundog Working Certificate or won an award, Diploma of Merit or Certificate of Merit in competition at a Field Trial held under the rules of any governing body recognised by The Kennel Club.
With the exception of Bloodhounds, a dog is eligible for entry in Working Trial classes for its breed if it has gained a qualification not lower than UD Excellent under Kennel Club Working Trial Regulations. A Bloodhound is eligible for entry in Working Trial classes if it has won a prize at a Working Trial for Bloodhounds held under Kennel Club Working Trial Regulations.
A dog is eligible for entry if it has won a Kennel Club Obedience Certificate at a Show held between 23 January 2023 and 22 January 2024
The following qualifications refer to Kennel Club recognised breeds only (including Kennel Club recognised Imported Register breeds with an interim breed standard)
(1) Any champion from a country with which The Kennel Club has a reciprocal agreement qualifies automatically if it is domiciled in the UK and is on The Kennel Club Breed Register
(2) Any FCI International Beauty Champion and the two Show Champion titles CIB for 'non-working breeds' and CIE for 'working breeds’.
(3) Winners of Junior Dog and Junior Bitch classes, plus the Best Dog and the Best Bitch at nominated shows in overseas countries as listed on the Crufts website.
(4) Winners of Junior Dog and Junior Bitch classes, plus CACIB Dog and CACIB Bitch at the World Dog Show 2023. Winners of Junior Dog, Junior Bitch, Veteran Dog, Veteran Bitch plus CACIB Dog and CACIB Bitch at the European Dog Show in 2023.
(5) USA – Winners of Best of Breed, Best of Opposite, Awards of Excellence at the AKC National Championship, December 2023 and in addition, Best of Breed, Best of Opposite, Grand Champion Select Dog and Bitch, Awards of Merit Winners (if offered) and Best Bred by Exhibitor (if offered), at one National Breed Specialty show per breed chosen by the parent breed club and agreed by the AKC.
(6) CANADA - The top five dogs from each breed according to the Top Show Dog point system, as well as the Best of Breed, Best of Opposite, Select Dog, Select Bitch and Award of Merit Winners at the National Specialties agreed by the Canadian Kennel Club.
(7) AUSTRALIA – Shows have been nominated for 2023 in each of the eight states. Winners of Junior Dog and Junior Bitch classes, plus the Best Dog and the Best Bitch to qualify at each show.
(8) JAPAN – Winners of Best Dog and Best Bitch of each breed, as well as Best Puppy Dog of each breed and Best Puppy Bitch of each breed at the JKC Sakura Annual Show 2023 (FCI International Dog), Tokyo, Japan.
(9) NEW ZEALAND – (to be confirmed) Winners of Junior Dog and Junior Bitch classes, plus the Best Dog and Best Bitch to qualify from the NZKC National Show.
(10) GUERNSEY – (to be confirmed) All Group Winners, Best Puppy in Show, Reserve Best Puppy in Show, Best Veteran in Show plus Best Junior in Show from the Spring, Autumn and Winter Open Shows in 2023.
(11) JERSEY – (to be confirmed) All Group Winners, All Puppy Group Winners, All Junior Group Winners plus Best Veteran in Show from three nominated Championship Shows in 2023.
(12) HONG KONG –(to be confirmed) Winners of CAC Dog and CAC Bitch for all Kennel Club recognised breeds from the 256th & 259th All Breed Championship Dog Show, in 2023
(13) SOUTH AFRICA – All Challenge Certificate (CC’s) and Best of Breed (BOB) winners at the KUSA Championship Show 27 – 28 May 2023.
(14) IRELAND – Winners of Best Junior Dog, Best Junior Bitch, Best Dog and Best Bitch in each Kennel Club recognised breed from the Celtic Winners Show on Sunday 11 June 2023 and the All-Breed Championship Show on Sunday 1 October 2023.
Under law, no docked dogs are permitted to be shown at Crufts.·
No dog with cropped ears is eligible to compete at any Kennel Club licensed event.
Bringing dogs into the UK
Crufts exhibitors must ensure that their dogs fully comply with the entry rules for bringing dogs into the UK. In the case of dogs being brought from some countries, this will involve a process which can take a number of months to complete prior to travel to the UK and Crufts.For further details please see
note: Birmingham Airport is not a legal point of entry into the UK for those travelling with dogs. Please ensure you come into the UK via an approved route. For more guidance visit ENTRIES CLOSE ON MONDAY, 8 JANUARY 2024ONLINE ENTRIES CLOSE ON MONDAY, 22 JANUARY 2024
United Gordon Setter Rehoming and Support (UGSR)will pay the cost for Gordon Setters (dog or bitch) of 8 years and over to have a PRA4 eye test.
The owner needs to be a member of the BGSC, GSA, GSCS or GS Field Trials.
It has been agreed that members can take their dog to a local BVA vet to be tested, to save the travelling. Where ever possible we would encourage members to go to an event where eye testing is taking place as the costs are generally cheaper.
Owners will need to advise UGSR (Gina Melville, secretary) in advance where they wish to go to have the eye test carried out. The owner will need to pay and claim back from UGSR, with the claim there will need to be a copy of the certificate in order to know the age of the dog. UGSR will be creating a form that can send out to people to complete.