To Make a Champion is a captivating new documentary by filmmaker Kirk Norbury, centred around the prestigious 2024 Champion Stake for Pointers and Setters. This historic event is the pinnacle of field trials, showcasing the finest working dogs and their handlers in an awe-inspiring display of skill and dedication. Filmed on the breathtaking Byrecleugh Estate, owned by the Duke of Roxburghe, the documentary captures the unmatched grace, precision, and determination of Pointers and Setters as they compete on one of Scotland’s finest grouse moors. Narrated by Jon Kean, Chairman of the Scottish Field Trials Association, this film offers a rare and intimate glimpse into the hard work, tradition, and passion behind producing champion working dogs. This film immerses viewers in the beauty of the moors and the electrifying atmosphere of the competition. From the bond between handlers and dogs to the intense preparation required for this historic event, To Make a Champion celebrates the timeless partnership that defines field trials. .
🎥 Director: Kirk Norbury
🌐 Website:
Produced by: The Scottish Field Trials Association
With thanks to our sponsors:
Red Mills:
Pointer Club of Scotland:
Gordon Setter Association:
Scottish Association for Country Sports (SACS):
Northern Counties Pointer and Setter Society
Scottish Gundog Association